"The history of Japan serves as testament to what can happen when the political response to a malaise or crisis is stalemate," says Andrew barber, a strategist at investment adviser Waverly advisors in Corning, N.Y. “日本的历史告诉我们,当经济萎靡不振并产生危机的时候,政治不作为的后果是十分严重的”,纽约州康宁市资产管理公司WaverlyAdvisors的战略师安德鲁•巴伯说。
Included in the monetary penalties is a$ 200 million payment to the Securities and Exchange Commission to settle charges that UBS acted as an unregistered broker-dealer and investment adviser. 上述罚金包括了向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)支付的2亿美元,从而就瑞银从事未登记经纪自营商和投资顾问业务的诉讼达成和解。
An investment adviser is preparing an report for a client. 一位投资顾问正在为客户准备一份报告。
'First, people have reacted [ to the market downturn] by reducing the amount of money they're saving and investing,'says Mark Bonhard, an investment adviser with Dawson Wealth Management in Cleveland. 克利夫兰DawsonWealthManagement投资顾问伯恩哈德(MarkBonhard)说,首先,人们通过减少储蓄额和投资额对市场的低迷做出了反应。
A: I tell people to get an investment adviser; that makes sense to me. 答:我劝人们去找一名投资顾问,这在我看来是明智之举。
Mark Causer, a senior investment adviser at Australia's Perspective Group, says that Canberra will always look after national interests first. 澳大利亚透视集团(PerspectiveGroup)资深投资顾问马克·考泽(MarkCauser)说,澳大利亚政府总是会首先照顾到国家利益。
Park Yoo-kyung, an investment adviser on governance at APG Asset Management Asia, which invests in Samsung, said that despite the continuing violations by suppliers, Samsung had offered a higher degree of disclosure than many other leading Asian companies. 三星投资者APGAssetManagementAsia的企业治理投资顾问ParkYoo-kyung表示,虽然供应商仍存在违规,但三星的信息披露程度高于亚洲其他领先企业。
Derek Scott is a member of the Investment Advisory Board of Vestra Wealth and was economic adviser to Tony Blair, former UK prime minister, from 1997 to 2003 作者德里克斯科特(DerekScott)是VestraWealth的投资顾问委员会委员,1997至2003年期间曾担任英国前首相托尼布莱尔(TonyBlair)的经济顾问
It has been a lost decade for equities, similar to the 1930s, Gerald Lucas, senior investment adviser at Deutsche Bank, said. 这是股市失去的十年,与20世纪30年代的情况类似,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)高级投资顾问杰拉尔德·卢卡斯(GeraldLucas)说。
Chartwell investment management, a financial adviser, has warned that some alternative assets have a growing correlation with equity markets not what investors want if they want to replicate bond returns. 金融顾问公司chartwellinvestmentmanagement警告,一些另类资产和股市有着越来越强的相关性这不是那些想要复制债券回报的投资者所想见到的。
A successful investment adviser begins presentations to prospective clients with the assertion that private equity is negatively correlated with the market as a whole, and thus provides a valuable source of diversification. 一位成功的投资顾问在做介绍演示时,首先会对潜在客户断言,私人股本总体上与市场负相关,从而提供了一个可贵的投资多样化渠道。
Charlotte Thorne of capital generation partners, an investment adviser, says: "it is easier for smaller firms to find opaque deals that they can still value better than us, but are there those deals at a bigger level?" capitalgenerationpartners投资顾问夏洛特索恩(charlottethorne)表示:“规模较小的收购基金较容易达成不透明的交易,它们的定价要优于我们,但大型收购基金也有这类交易吗?”
In fact Walpole did not understand the speculation and was prevented from making a disastrous investment in the shares himself only by a shrewd adviser. 他压根不通投机买卖的门道,多亏有个精明的顾问,他才没做出灾难性的投资决定。
The commission earned on the average investment of well under 10,000 means that, thanks to the cost of the adviser's time, you might as well be stacking shelves. 考虑到咨询师的时间成本,当你为之咨询的项目的平均投资额远低于1万英镑时,就意味着你挣的佣金还不如那些码货架的挣得多。
Stay calm, and do not make any investment decisions without consulting a professional adviser! 请保持冷静,在没有专业顾问指导的情况下,不要做任何的投资决定!
And, since you are a fallible investor, choose your financial portfolio with the help of an investment adviser. 还有,既然自己投资常常失手,那还是让投资顾问帮你构建投资组合吧。
That "essentially removes the ability of an investment adviser to fraudulently use the proceeds invested by new investors to make payments to old investors". 此举“将从根本上杜绝投资顾问以欺诈手法,挪用新投资者的资金来偿付老投资者”。
A securities investment adviser shall have and at all times maintain in the business for which he is registered net tangible assets of not less than zero. 证券投资顾问须在任何时候就其获注册进行的业务拥有及保存不少于零的有形资产净值。
Offices established to manage family wealth need only a tenuous connection to the us to be required to register as an investment adviser with the securities and Exchange Commission. 富裕家族设立的理财部门,但凡与美国有一丝联系,就须在美国证券交易委员会(sec)登记为投资顾问机构。
Enzio von Pfeil, a Hong Kong-based economist and investment adviser, describes the territory as "the water-ski off the back of the Chinese speedboat". 一位驻香港的经济学家及投资顾问霍安斯(enziovonpfeil)形容香港特区是“中国快艇后面的滑水板”。
Is not an investment adviser and does not provide, endorse or review any information or data contained herein. 不是一个投资顾问,并没有规定,批准或审查的任何信息或资料载于本文件。
Secondly, as the derivatives investment adviser, advisory fees charged only domestic firms, there is no motive. 第二,由于衍生工具投资顾问,顾问费只收取国内企业,没有任何动机。
Goldman Sachs was named top investment banking adviser across the world, in the US and in Europe in the first six months of the year, setting the scene for a frantic battle for supremacy in the second half. 高盛(goldmansachs)被评为今年上半年全球、美国和欧洲最佳投资银行顾问机构,为下半年王者桂冠的疯狂争夺搭好了舞台。
The investment adviser recommends buying shares in Aircraft Company. 投资顾问建议购买航空公司的股票。
Eric Thorne, an investment adviser with Bryn Mawr Trust Wealth Management, said many traders have been using the end of the day to take short-term profits. 布林摩尔信托财富管理公司一投资顾问,埃里克索恩说许多商人一直使利用最后一天来获取短期利润。
Sentiment for Tips does reflect the direction in oil prices, and since the Fed is not engaged in quantitative easing, its policy is no longer seen as being inflationary, said Gerald Lucas, senior investment adviser at Deutsche Bank. 市场对通胀保护债券的态度的确反映出油价走向,而由于美联储并未采取定量宽松,其政策不再被视作具有通胀效应。德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)高级投资顾问杰拉尔德卢卡斯(GeraldLucas)表示。
The mutual fund, as an important part of the securities market, is facing the same issue which is mainly demonstrated in the illegal interested party transaction against the fiduciary obligation of the fund manager or investment adviser. 作为证券市场重要组成部分的证券投资基金也同样面临相同问题,在这方面突出表现为基金管理人利用其所处的特殊地位,违反其诚信忠实义务而与利害关系人进行不法交易。
Make the excellent marketing staff to become the investment adviser by training, competition, trial, assessment, and ultimately turn to investment adviser. 通过对优秀的营销人员进行竞聘、培训、试用、考核以及最终转投资顾问等一系列的方式将优秀的营销员工变成投资顾问。